I went to check out the strange art of Pittsburgh with my old friend Wes Wyzykowski.
Looking @ Art in Pittsburgh
I went to check out the strange art of Pittsburgh with my old friend Wes Wyzykowski.
Videos from the Border
Making cinnamon rolls in Pennsylvania about a mile from Ohio.
A visit to a dentist in Ohio, right over the Pennsylvania border.
Hanging Out with Dan
Eating Breakfast with Dan in New Castle, Pa.
Skating and banqueting with Dan in New Castle, Pa.
Thirteen More Videos from DC
Ollie's Trolley in Washington DC. (Cash Only)
The events of another opening in Washington DC.
Tang eats sushi at Whole Foods on P Street NW in Washington DC.
A Presidential Motorcade in Washington DC.
Hanging out in Arlington, Va.
Visiting the artist William Newman in Washington DC.
At the Big Hunt in Washington DC.
Visiting Alex Volkonsky in Washington DC.
Holiday Williams makes awesome fudge.
Visiting my friend M.E. in Mount Pleasant DC.
Stiil the events of yet another art opening in DC.
Meeting Chan and Andy downtown.
Manny and Olga's Pizza is #1 America Pizza DC.
Other Various Videos from DC
Eating at Young Chow's on Capital Hill in Washington DC.
Cell phone warning in Washington DC.
At L'Enfant Cafe in Washington DC.
Shooting pool at Buffalo Billiards in Washington DC.
A trip to M.E. Swing Coffee Shop with Andy Grundberg.
Jeremy is a landscape artist in Washington DC.
Annie Peters at the Corcoran in DC.
Andrew Bain disposing of cup in Washington DC.
It might not be a smart idea to go looking through shopping bags.
Various Videos from DC
Last Friday I Think. (Now last last Friday.)
Art Talkers are not phased by fire alarms.
A restaurant named the Commissary.
The Famous Enon Valley Auction
The famous Enon Valley Auction is a place where local farmers, many of them Amish, would meet to do business on Tuesdays.
The Zenith in Pittsburgh
I went to get the $10 brunch buffet Sunday at The Zenith on the Southside of Pittsburgh.
Saturday in Pittsburgh
On Saturday I hung out with Luke and Temisan and eventually ended up at the sold-out Girltalk show in my once-hometown of Pittsburgh.
Maine in the Rearview
Pictures from Yesterday

The newly opened Waterville Goodwill located downtown on the Concourse appears to be a church with the steeple of St. Francis de Sales rising in the background. Both churches and Goodwill stores are likely to see an influx of people this the holiday season. According to a recent New York Times article, in the first eight months of 2008, sales at Goodwill stores in the United States and Canada increased by 7 percent over the same period last year.

The steel hull of an unfinished sailboat sets in Mike Lessard's yard on Lower Water Street in Waterville Wednesday afternoon. Lessard started its construction over 3 years ago but has since been injured in a car accident and has abandon the project.

David Turnage, Alfond Youth Center aquatic director, instructs some of the 141 swimmers ages 6-18 who are members of the Mid-Maine Dolphins swim team during practice Wednesday afternoon. The Dolphins will have their first YMCA meet of the season when they host the Portland YMCA in Waterville this Saturday at 1 p.m.

The moon is seen shining Wednesday night behind "Ticonic" a statue on the Concourse sculpted by Roger L. Majorowicz that was commissioned in 1997 "for the city of Waterville and the citizens of Maine."
233 Years Old

Woooooooo! Older than the United States, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, smells like stale beer and gun powder -- it must be the 233rd Marine Corps Birthday!
Here is an old picture with some of the Mudjahadeen (what they called themselves, we actually referred to them as the Southern Alliance) I was patrolling southern Kandahar with back in 2001. My mustache was the envy of Kandahar. (Even amongst the Talibs!)
Chainsaw Safety

Pete Tracy, a Maine Licensed Forester and Certified Logging Professional was at the Lake George Regional Park Saturday afternoon to educate Mainers in the safe use of chainsaws. Here, he demonstrates cutting a wedge to ensure the angle of the tree's fall.

Course-takers watch a falling tree Saturday afternoon at the Lake George Regional Park during a chainsaw safety course.

Here, Tracy demonstrates the proper way to relieve tension from a "spring branch," a branch caught under the tension of a fallen tree, which if left unattended could result in injury. Tracy has been providing chainsaw safety training since 1985 in Maine, New Hampshire, and Canada.
Skowhegan Dam

Here is a picture I took today that I like better than a similar one that ran in the paper.
Construction workers from Bancroft Contracting Corp. work on scaffold to refurbish and reinforce the Weston Dam and its concrete and steel columns on Friday afternoon in Skowhegan. The island in the middle of the Kennebec River on which the dam is located divides the river into two channels and acts as a natural pier and as a site for mills.
Maine Dancing

I took a lot of pictures of people dancing today. A good winter activity.
Erica Nelson and other ballerinas at Bradley's School of Dance in Skowhegan practice a move called a passe Thursday afternoon during Audrey Rea's ballet class. All of the students in Rea's class have been practicing ballet for over 10 years.

Clare Beverage salsas with Santa at the Waterville Maine Street "Salsa for Santa" silent auction party at Cancun Mexican Restaurant in Waterville Thursday night. The auction's proceeds will benefit activities for the annual Kringleville celebration and year-round Waterville Main Street programs.

Jake and Deb Primmerman, mother and son dance team, practice a soft shoe dance done in tap shoes Thursday afternoon at Bradley's School of dance in Skowhegan. The two will be involved in a Dancing with the Stars take off event in Skowhegan.
Contaminated Beavers?

I came back with ticks, scratched, and burrs after trekking into the woods for this picture, today.
Waterville officials plan to apply for a federal grant to clean up contaminated wastewater lagoons on West River Road that contain effluent from the former Wyandotte mill across the road. Here, a beaver dam is visible in one of the lagoons with the mill visible in the background.
Waterville Girls Soccer

Here's a pic I took yesterday. It foreshadowed the outcome of the game.
Waterville Senior High School team mates cheer after they scored their first goal in the Eastern Maine Class A regional championship against Brunswick High School on Wednesday afternoon at Webber Field. Waterville defeated Brunswick 2-1.
Election Day Video
Here is some video I shot during election day that our newspapers' web master Ben Sturtevant edited together.
Maine Voting

Colby College student Zak Rich, right, stands the legal 250 ft from the polls collecting a signature from another Colby student Nick Bromley to help the organization Equality Maine promote the legalization of same-sex marriages. The activists were out petitioning voters on Tuesday afternoon at the Bouque-Lanigan American Legion Post 5, Waterville's polling station. According to Rich, by 2 p.m. Equality Maine received more than enough signatures to get their measure on the ballot next election.

Registered voters wait in line Tuesday evening at the Fairfield Community Center in Fairfield. In the evening voters were moving swiftly, although the line still began out the door.

Voting clerk Lindsey Boucher searches through voter registrations on Tuesday night at the Bourque-Lanigan American Legion Post 5 in Waterville. The voting lines were moving swiftly, Boucher said the registration lines were the real wait. "It's like no one decided to register until today," she said. "... A lot of Colby College kids."
Halloween Street

When I was a kid I remember having so many layers of fake blood, red paint, and scar tissue on my face, that when I was peeling it off after trick-or-treating, I thought I had peeled off an actual piece of my forehead and freaked out for a second. I don't remember seeing any bloody costumes out on Halloween in Waterville. Except for that reaper's scythe.
Trevor McClure, 10, aka the Grim Reaper is out collecting candy Burliegh Street in Waterville on Halloween. The street is known for it celebration which drew McClure from his home in Benton, and Waterville police close the street to traffic for the safety of trick-or-treaters.
Early Vote

I voted on Halloween, when I took this picture. It looks like most early voter are going strongly leaning towards Obama.
Early voters head to the polls at Waterville City Hall on Halloween. According to Deputy Registrar Suzanna Beane approximately 3,100 of the 10,245 registered voters in Waterville had already cast their ballots prior to Halloween.
Rotary Dairy Parlor

Milkers are busy milking in the rotary parlor at the Flood Brothers Farm in Clinton Thursday night. The parlor rotates on 20,000 gal. of water and holds 50 cows at a time. The farm's 1,450 milk cows produce approximately 15,000 gal. of milk per day. The farm is currently in the process of constructing a similar rotary parlor which will hold 100 cows at a time and will be one of the largest parlors in the country, according to farmer Dana Flood.
Howard Dean at University of Maine at Farmington

Howard Dean campaigns to a packed auditorium at University of Maine at Farmington on Wednesday night.

Dean spoke along with Senate candidate Tom Allen about Democrats' positions on important issues and encouraged all present to take advantage of the early voting that will take place today (Thursday) in Farmington.
Front Page Parallel

One of the two front pages photos on the Morning Sentinel today was a picture I took of Maine's Senator Susan Collins campaigning to workers in a shoe factory, the other was a photo of Representative Tom Allen, who is running for her seat, campaigning.
One of the two front page photos of The New York Times today was a picture of Sen. John McCain campaigning in Pennsylvania taken by my former professor Stephen Crowley, the other was a photo of Sen. Barak Obama, who is also campaigning in Pennsylvania.
Went to Belfast, Maine
I went to Belfast, Maine on Monday. Here is my Youtube memoir of that day, a little boring. But not quite as bad as the 7-hour raft trip video.
Waterville Public Library

I just learned today of a recent partnership between local libraries which allows me to use my Lithgow Library & Reading Room card at the Waterville Public Library, Thomas College, Colby College, and the Gardiner Public Library. It is a great discovery.
Maine Wind Power

Before I moved to Maine I would have never thought there would be any controversy involving wind turbine power, but there is. Opponents of wind power say the turbines are ugly, kill birds, and create noise. These turbines are near Freedom, Maine.
Some Halloween Things

Adrianna Wren, 7, and her sister Summer, 3, race back to the starting point after finding objects from a scary scavenger hunt at the Halloween Spooktacular on Saturday. The event was sponsored by the Unity Barn Raisers and Unity College, and had plenty of activities to keep kids having spooky fun all day at the Unity Community Center.

Richard Miner of Unity only wanted a cup of coffee when he walked into Dunkin' Donuts on College Ave. in Waterville, but he got zombies, too. Chris Osgood of Hallowell spooks out Miner while Jarody waits in the shadows. About a half dozen Zombies showed up for coffee after a failed kickball game at Railroad Square Cinema Saturday evening when the cinema had a special showing of "Night of the Living Dead."
Field Hockey

I don't know if I'd ever heard of field hockey until I moved to Maine a little over a year ago. In New England high schools, field hockey is the girls-only equivalent of football. So it seems.
Skowhegan Area High School's Erin Sevey tries her hardest to score against Lawrence High School during a Wednesday afternoon game at Skowhegan. Sevey scored the first goal for Skowhegan during the game that they won 3-2.
Dress Rehearsal

This is a picture of students from the Kennebec Dance Center dress rehearsing a show called "Thrills and Chills" that will be performed at the Waterville Opera House Friday night at 7 p.m.

I like both of these pictures better than the one that ran in the newspaper.
Haunted Home

I took this photo a couple days ago next door to a last-minute assignment.
Xander Giguere, 3, helps his mother Melissa decorate their yard in Waterville Saturday night. The Giguere's plan to briefly host hundreds of trick-or-treaters to their haunted home on Halloween.
Mt. Megunticook

I have been going to Mt. Megunticook in Camden, Maine often, recently -- while there is still sun. Winter is just around the corner.
Firefighting Course

I took this photo today. I'm unhappy it probably isn't going to run in color. And the front of the B section has a more newsworthy, but boring photo of a vehicle rollover.
Lieutenant Scott Higgins instructs fire fighters in during a pump truck class at the Central Maine Fire Attack School held at Winslow High School this weekend. Approximately 200 fire fighters from around Maine attended the course that is held twice a year in Winslow.
On the Boards

The best thing about this photo is the Jordan logo on that kid's shirt.
Winslow High School students go for a rebound while playing a game of Twenty-one at the basketball court on Dellaire Street in Winslow, Friday. The next few days should be a brisk, with a chance of snow Tuesday night.
Great Catch

They need about 80 more lights to brighten up their field. I shot this at Hi-1, the digital equivalent of film speed iso 3200.
Lawrence High School's Matt Perkins (7) catches a pass to help his team score first against Skowhegan Area High School on Friday night at Reginald P. Clark Memorial Field in Skowhegan. Lawrence went on to beat Skowhegan 35-6.
This is Not a Sign

I went to take a picture of someone's illegal political-performance piece.
Kenneth Green of Lincoln Street tells investigating Officer Tim Hinton what information he knows surrounding the theft of his "Obama for President" sign that was cut from its rope where the gentlemen are standing. Green paid $200 for the sign that was stolen from his front yard late Tuesday night. Officer Hinton said its theft was a Class E misdemeanor.
Acadia National Park Leaf Peeping

I drove to Acadia National Park's Cadillac Mountain.

People were there to "leaf peep."

They even came on ships from far away to peep the leaves.
Yesterday's News

I took this picture of Todd Palin a couple days ago. The Maine Snowmobile Association has endorsed the McCain-Palin ticket.
Driving to Celebrate the Lowering Price of Gas

This is a gas station on Route 137 between Waterville and Belfast, Maine.

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