The rain in Maine
falls Maine-ly on my head
until I get in my truck
then I realize it is falling on my windshield
then I realize I should get new wipers
(then I realize everyone elected for new windshield wipers)
then I realize the compost pile in the bed of my truck is coming along nicely

The rain in Maine falls and falls and falls and falls
on state election day
it is a beautiful Maine day
even with a slightly sore throat
we voted down a library expansion
and a Native American casino

The rain in Maine is falling so hard
when I leave the Maine State Library Museum Archive
that I can't see straight
'Ahoy. Is the parking over here?! The whole lot?'
I followed a lobsterman, a clamdigger, a Mainer
out of the sea of rain and past the waves
the Subaru waves
by the time we got to the open lot
only me and the lobsterman remained

The rain in Maine
drops/keeps falling on my head
my eyes are flailing through the sea of cars
automos, automos, everywhere. None of them mine.
I can't get a reading on my truck.
Can't see the horizon or the sun.
the stars blotted out by ... parking lot lighting!
(curse and bless you)