Maine warehouse.

Toyotas and Subarus are preferred political platforms in Maine.

A bunch of liberals at The Liberal Cup in Hallowell Maine.

Maine music is mostly freedom rock.

A view of Maine's capitol from beyond the waste water treatment facility.

Also, did I ever tell you about the time I "almost one-upped" Drew Carey? No? I forgot about it too until yesterday when instead of googling myself, I yahooed myself.
Let me set the scene. It was a beautiful winter evening in Kandahar. Dust blowing in from the tarmac. As soon as the sun set the KC-130s started flying in supplies. And I happen to be shooting the bull (as we often did in those days) with Gen. Tommy Frank's wife, Cathy, in the bullet pocked lobby of the Kandahar International Airport. I think we were talking fashion, because she mentioned my scarf...
Well, click this link and read it for yourself at Entertainment Weekly.