I chipped my tooth trying to hold a full pint of beer with my teeth & for about a month it caused me to rub two of my front teeth together in a nervous and threatening manner while I was walking down the sidewalk, walking towards people on the sidewalk, while I was walking across crosswalks I filed away with one tooth on the other while, apparently "staring down" aggressive right-turners on their way to big meetings with big shoes and big suits: Some of these aggressive right-turners were not right-turners at all but a delivery truck driver named Tyrone, who while I continued walking parked his truck two blocks behind me and punched me in the eye in front of a flower shoppe where I decided not to order flowers for my mother but to send her a bonsai tree over the internet, and through the window of the flower shoppe, on the curb where I was punched in the eye for having a chipped tooth a man got out of a cab holding an attache in one hand and talking on the cell phone with his other hand and holding a coffee cup with his nose. No: not his nose but holding the cup too close to his nose which burnt his nostrils causing him to sneer and as I walked out of the flower shoppe his burning nose sneered at me & I gritted my teeth and (apparently) scowled at him through my bruised brow