Before leaving town we ate a slice at Villa Maria w/ Daniel, diehard Yankee's fan and Katie and Maggie's long-time neighbor. The traffic was light and the trip back to DC went smoother than could be expected.
Norman Rockwell was over in the corner somewhere painting when we arrived at the Pelham Memorial Day Parde. It was very nice of the Pelham Mafia (pictured) to allow the street closing for the parade.
Sunday Maggie took me to one of her favorite parks in Pelham, along Long Island Sound. Then we went to Katie's to make cookies and smoothies. We visited Mary. Had a Memorial Day Weekend Cookout. And went to an Irish section of the Bronx to listen to live music. (I never knew there was such a place.) Lastly, we went to Katie's friend Manuelo's house and danced to some music I often hear coming from cars and pick-up trucks on Mt. Pleasant Road. It was great. ("Thanks for the forecast.")
I went downtown w/ Maggie and Katie to visit Katie's friend Heather. I called up a couple good friends, Corey and Jabari, but wasn't able to hang out long before we headed back to the subway and to Pelham. However, first we stopped for a slice (or two) at Rosario's recommended by Corey.
I went to a wedding w/ Maggie and Katie. Their Ghanaian friends Victoria and Evans were married. It was a Christian wedding. I think we were the only three their who weren't Ghanaian. Because of forgotten keys and feeding meters I ended up walking up and down White Plains Road five times w/ Maggie. Both the walks and the wedding were fun and cultural. Many guests dressed in beautiful traditional Ghanaian clothing. My favorite part of the wedding: "The 5 "C"s Sermon" that I didn't even hear entirely. My favorite White Plains Road sign: "NO 50 [cent] BEER GET AWAY."
When Maggie gets to New York she loves to visit her grandmother, Mary. Her sister Katie lives close and visits almost daily. I like visiting too. I haven't had a grandma to visit for more than a decade. Mary calls us her "cohorts," and has a sweet sarcasm. "It's a beautiful day out grandma," said Katie. "Thanks for the weather report," Mary replied.
Maggie drove the entire way to New York b/c she knew the way from New Jersey, I didn't. The traffic was rolling along until we hit the George Washington Bridge. The temperature was irritating. The exhaust was exhausting. But we were soon drinking iced coffee on the sidewalks of cute little downstate villages.
Thursday night I went to New Jersey w/ Maggie. The first day of Memorial Day Weekend was friday this year. I woke up on the Jersey Shore. It was great. I took a nap on the couch in the morning: woke up and couldn't find Maggie. Then found her sleeping in one of the beds. We went for a run on the boardwalk and went to get coffee. We got a good look at the New Jersey-ans but didn't get too close. (At one point, near the 17th Ave Beach Maggie got nervous and made strange faces to fit in.) Before noon we were off to New York.