
Two Half Cups

I was taking some pictures and my flash cord got caught around some cups at Swing's Coffee Shop. One of the cups fell to the ground an split in half. This is my friend Andrew posing for a Ginsu Knife commercial.

Streak-Free Glass

Joe cleans the glass at Swing's Coffee Shop twice a day. My sister Gina always said that the cleanliness of an establishment's glass might be a indicator to the quality of their product.


Matt graduated from St John's College. His friends meet him at music shows a lot. Tonight his friends met him at the Black Cat. Matt isn't really a jarhead but one of his female friends was training to be a Marine Corps aviator.

You Take the High Road, I'll Take the Subway

The District of Columbia's subway system, the Metro, is very photogenic. Almost so much that it is a little cliche to post a picture. But I saw and recognized a photo of the Metro at the 49 Geary St Galleries in San Francisco so it can't be that bad, right?