[8:50am] Mimosas in the morning.
[9:35am] Taking the Class of 2006 photo.
[10:17am] Some soon-to-be graduates on the steps.
[10:20am] Me getting "fish hooked" by Professor Smith. (photo by Ryan Shuler)
[10:21am] No you didn't!
[10:30am] Walking to the ceremony.
[10:51am] Fine Arts- Last Days.
[10:52am] A samurai in the elevator.
[10:55am] Anticipation/Excitement.
[11:03am] Walking into the auditorium.
[11:56am] Photographer Sally Mann.
[12:16pm] Walking to accept my diploma. Woooooo!
[12:34pm] Ruben's profession of love for his classmates.
[12:49pm] Snapshots afterward.
[4:15pm] After the reception, Goldie's Italiano.
[8:25pm] Marissa at the Transformer opening, contemplating her recent graduation.
[9:29pm] Hanging out with past and present Corcoran students at Dan and Danny's.
[9:29pm] Still hanging.
[9:59pm] Passing a battalion of police officers on our way to Kevin's.
[12:19am] At Kevin's we contemplate heading to the "gay bar, gay bar!"
[1:46am] Barely hanging, I am slipping into passout mode.
[1:56am] Sparking life.
[2:11am] Calling it a day.