Fine Art Journalism: Everyone's doing it. (ex. Stephen Crowley's street portraits in Afghanistan, Sebastiao Salgado, photo news agencies like VII and Magnum) Why are so many people calling themselves 'journalists' leaning more towards 'fine-art' these days? (or was it just always there? are people more conscious of it?)
Writing about daily nothings, cultural somethings, on the reverse side of a working journalist's discarded reporters pad?
Or because they decided to clean the CCD of their camera by blowing spit on it?
A number of any other reasons?
Yes, all of these. Like the writers in 'Fierce Pajamas, An Anthology Of Humor Writing From The New Yorker' (2002(I haven't been able to read my copy until recently b/c a tom cat I used to have urinated on it.), it seems like journalists are trying to entertain themselves, while completing the job of informing others. It happens in a more expressive and less objective way.
Every writer seems to ask and answer his/her own questions. Makes writing interesting. Doesn't it?
Yes, it does.
No, I'm talking to you this time.

To: Reverse direction. Is that the way?

Is This Suppose ta Be Funny?: Did someone think it would be funny to open an animal shelter next to a Chinese restaurant? Or to open a Chinese restaurant next to an animal shelter? Or is this just an occurrence that points to an unfortunate stereotype?

Capitol Reflection: Old use of light for journalism.

Kitchen Window: New use of light for journalism. (At least I've seen it in reconstructive video journalism to signify the 'flashback' or a 'memory.'

Skyline: Sky lines, Augusta, Maine.

Saints': Michael School, Mary church.

To My Surprise: I went out to my storage unit thinking that I had at least three trips left. Not even. Only a single load. Thanks little truck. Now my day off can be a 'real' day off, sorta.