Colby College student Zak Rich, right, stands the legal 250 ft from the polls collecting a signature from another Colby student Nick Bromley to help the organization Equality Maine promote the legalization of same-sex marriages. The activists were out petitioning voters on Tuesday afternoon at the Bouque-Lanigan American Legion Post 5, Waterville's polling station. According to Rich, by 2 p.m. Equality Maine received more than enough signatures to get their measure on the ballot next election.

Registered voters wait in line Tuesday evening at the Fairfield Community Center in Fairfield. In the evening voters were moving swiftly, although the line still began out the door.

Voting clerk Lindsey Boucher searches through voter registrations on Tuesday night at the Bourque-Lanigan American Legion Post 5 in Waterville. The voting lines were moving swiftly, Boucher said the registration lines were the real wait. "It's like no one decided to register until today," she said. "... A lot of Colby College kids."