
Breakfast in America

The recycling is all over the floor because there is no place for it
The heat is off it's cold and I'm coughing
in running pants and other clothes I found on my floor
My coffee pot only makes 4 cups at a time ensuring a fresh cup everytime
Half of the house is at work the other half in bed
The yogurt I ate was incredibly cheap and I have eggs too
I turn off the furnace to calm Freddy Kruger a couple runs from Starbucks
standing on the porch people are sniffing a man is sniffing
the bus stops at a light a girl wipes her eye the pause becomes a metaphor
the stairs creek
the roof leaks
the news is always bad
This is Breakfast
Go America Bay-Bee!

This is America
everything has a remote
I wish my coffee cup had a remote
I would send it to get more Half&Half
instead we drink coffee in the kitchen like a family
like the Bearenstein Bears
The cops are patrolling outside
did I mention this is America Bay-Bee?
(I should have a job coming up with catch phrases for the troops in Iraq)
Still reaping the benefits of my forefathers
I was raised by TWO gay couples
anything goes
This is America Bay-Bee!