I have a few friends named Andrew. The one I've known longest came to visit Maine for a couple days. We drove around Maine's backyards today.

We hiked up Mt. Megunticook in Camden, Maine and saw this dog named Tippy there.

This is the dude and his son, whom Tippy belongs to, and an art teacher named Kaaren from Albany, NY, and my good friend Andrew. I got everyone's e-mail on a slip of paper so I could send this to them, but threw the paper away at a gas station a few hours later.

Stopped by Red's Eats in Wiscasset, Maine. They have the best lobster rolls anyone has ever eaten.

It's best to order a lobster roll (a full lobster of meat on each one), and some french fries.

Stopped by the L.L. Bean world headquarters in Freeport, Maine. (Notice giant boot.)

Drove north up I-95 back to Waterville, Maine.