A moose antler near the North River Bridge on the Cabot Trail.

On top of Cape Smokey.

Sitting where a
river meets a brook
sitting where a
river meets the brook
meets the ocean
on Cape Breton
sitting near a pile
of moose bones
sitting near a grove
of uprooted trees
in high brown grass
mashed by snow or
tide or moose
the brook is babbling
and bubbling and
this place is trying
to show me something
and asking me to listen
what, I wonder, will I
hear or will I see a
moose a bird or just
these skies and trees
above me

A cove north of Ingonish on the Cabot Trail.

In a cove north of Ingonish.

A point between Neils Harbour and Ingonish.

A wharf in Ingonish.

Me and my truck, my mechanical horse, at Ingonish.

Car surfing on the Englishtown Ferry.