1) HIPPIESQUE- It's apples season in Maine. The peak. I bought a bag of Maine apples a few days ago. (I'm still spending a lot of time moving in to my new place, or I would go pick them myself at one of the local orchards.) I thought it was nice that the apples had a coupon on the back for a free round for two at a Maine disc golf course.
2) OBITS- While I was processing obituaries for today's paper I received a call to confirm that I had received an individual's 'obit' and photo. After I confirmed it's receipt the caller told me to "make sure you don't crop the fez!"
3) DXING- I don't have a TV. I sold it to a girl in the Dollar Star store on Mt. Pleasant St. before I left D.C. I do have a shortwave radio that has a switch "local / DX." The DX switch allows me to pick up stations from a greater distance than a normal am/fm radio.